How to Develop an Audience First Marketing Strategy for More Brand Awareness and Customers [podcast + worksheets]



How to Develop an Audience First Marketing Strategy for More Brand Awareness and Customers <div class="powerpress_player" id="powerpress_player_476"><audio class="wp-audio-shortcode" id="audio-10122-2" preload="none" style="width: 100%;" controls="controls"><source type="audio/mpeg" src=If your digital marketing and social media conversations are targeting everyone, you are targeting nobody!

Successful marketing equals targeted marketing! You need to consider and deeply understand the target buyer for your products and services.

Some marketers shy away from the term “targeted marketing” as they think either 1) it's not personal enough or 2) they don't have enough data to actually target the right customers.

One of the best ways to increase the Return on Investment (ROI) on ALL of your marketing including digital marketing, social media, content marketing, influencer marketing and more is to take an Audience First Marketing approach to your marketing.

Have you heard of audience marketing but not sure what it is, how to develop an audience first marketing strategy or how to use it to grow you business? If you answered yes, you definitely landed on the right blog post today!

Audience Marketing in a Nutshell 

This comprehensive audience marketing guide includes the following: 

  1. Audience Marketing in a Nutshell: How to Develop an Audience First Marketing Strategy for More Brand Awareness and Customers
  2. Podcast with more in depth training on Audience Marketing and how to get started.
  3. Additional supporting resources such as our Buyer Persona Worksheet, 5-Day Buyer Persona Bootcamp Virtual Training, 10 Reasons You Need Audience Marketing eBook, Content Calendar Template

Welcome to Audience Marketing where Riches are in the Niches

The riches are in the niches! The better you can target your audiences and ideal customer, the better you can inspire, connect with and serve them amazing value!

Smart marketers know an audience first marketing approach is the foundation to successful digital marketing, content marketing and social media marketing programs. An audience first approach to marketing exponentially increases the ROI on ALL of your marketing.

If you want more traffic to your website, more leads, more opt-ins to your email newsletter, more members in your social media communities, more sales and more customers, then you NEED an audience focused approach to your marketing.

The average buyer researches and consumes between 7-10 pieces of content before making a buying decision. As a marketer or business owner, a top goal should be to make sure every message, video, blog post, visual, podcast and piece of content you create is connecting with your target audience and inspiring them to learn more!

What is Audience Marketing?

Audience marketing is an intentional alignment of your marketing messages, content and focus to the needs of your audience.

An audience first marketing approach shifts the focus from YOU to THEM. This means you focus more on how you can SERVE your audience over how you can SELL to them.

What is an Audience First Marketing Strategy? 

An audience first marketing strategy is when you prioritize your audience as the #1 priority when developing marketing strategies, tactics and detailed plans for execution! This means nothing comes before your audience. Your audience is first in everything you create, publish and execution.

What is a Buyer Persona? 

A buyer persona is a semi-fictional, generalized representation of your ideal customer based upon market research and real data.

Buyer personas help you understand your audience and ensure your marketing messages are helping you earn trust, build relationships and become relevant in the mind and heart of your ideal customer.

Many marketers think buyer personas are complicated or that taking the time to create them will slow them down.

The truth is buyer personas are simple to create and will help increase your marketing results exponentially, almost immediately!

Take Action: Download my free Buyer Persona Template here-> Buyer Persona Template Pack  (includes editable templates for both B2B and B2C!)

3 Steps for Audience Marketing Success

There are 3 steps you should take to succeed at audience marketing. They are as follows:

  • Step 1: Do your research 
  • Step 2: Know your unique value 
  • Step 3: Align EVERYTHING you do to the needs of your audience. EVERYTHING! 

Take a listen to the 284th  episode of the Social Zoom Factor Podcast to Audience Marketing in a Nutshell to learn the What, How and Why You Need an Audience First Marketing Approach to Grow Your Business and Increase Marketing ROI

In this 30 minute podcast you will learn: 

  • What is audience marketing
  • What is an audience first marketing strategy
  • Top 3 benefits of audience marketing
  • What is target marketing
  • What is market segmentation
  • What is a buyer persona
  • What is a customer avatar
  • What is a customer profile for b2b
  • Key data points needed to develop your own buyer personas
  • Difference between demographic, geographic and psychographic data
  • Why buyer personas are a requirement for any market, industry and organization big or small who want to be relevant, get more leads and grow their business
  • Top 5 ways a buyer persona will help your business grow
  • 3 Steps you need to take to get started to develop your audience first marketing strategy
  • Why relevancy is key to earning trust, building relationships and getting more customers!

Supporting Resources 

This podcast episode is proudly sponsored by Marketing Automation for Digital Marketers

How to Subscribe to Social Zoom Factor Podcast 

Need help taking your brand to the next level? Social Profit Factor Training Academy and Marketing Nutz Can Help!

Need some extra help to help you define and prioritize the right target audience and buyers for your products and services? Our agency, Marketing Nutz, our training and consulting agency can help! No long term contracts, no complicated agency engagements. We can quickly get into the roots of your business helping you maximize every dollar and minute you spend on marketing, content and advertising your business.

Like to do it yourself!? Our training academy,Social Profit Factor can help you ignite your content and brand architecture to grow your online tribe and business with social networks such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and Twitter. Before you even think about posting that video on Facebook you must know who you are, what your audience needs from you and how your efforts are going to deliver value for your audience and your business.

You need a structured plan to be successful using social media. Social Profit Factor will help you develop your plan with goals, objectives and priorities within 30 days!

Sign up now and get started building your audience first marketing program for more leads and the right customers!

Take Action:  Download my Buyer Persona Template Pack (editable templates for B2B and B2C)


Buyer Persona Worksheet Template





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About the Author:

*Forbes Top 10 Social Media Women, Forbes top 10 Social Media Power Influencer - CEO / founder of Marketing Nutz, full service social brand, digital marketing agency. Keynote speaker, author, strategist, consultant, coach, & trainer. Helps businesses of all sizes integrate social media into the DNA of their business, connect with target audiences to nurture authentic customer relationships. 15+ years experience working with Fortune 500, Franchised corporations with 4000+ local franchises to entrepreneurs and startups!

